About SaleRaja

What is SaleRaja? Who is behind it? These must be the questions going on in your mind now, and I promise you won't be dissappointed after reading this

  • What is SaleRaja?

    SaleRaja is an online database of Sales, Discounts, Deals and Offers available in your neighbourhood. We are what we call "Your Friendly Neighbourhood Sale Advisor". So the next time you want to go shopping for cheap goods, you don't need to scramble for last Sunday's newspapers or ask your non-willing friends. Just come over at saleraja, we will guide you so that you get the best deal in the least bucks

  • Who is behind it?

    SaleRaja is owned by Sukip IT Services Pvt. Ltd. with its registered office in Delhi. At sukip, we intend to make your online experience better every day, and SaleRaja is an effort in that direction.

Who said shopping was expensive? If you are well aware of the various SALES going in your city, then shopping can be fun...

So what are you waiting for? Start browsing SaleRaja... Wish you a great shopping season ahead...

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