
Karol Bagh

Karol Bagh is located in the heart of the pulsating city , New Delhi. This is one of the oldest shopping areas of the city. It's central location and proximity to the major places and monuments of the city makes it a visitor's delight. This place is mainly famous for it's shopping complex.

A walk through Karol Bagh market is an unforgettable experience. It's a journey into history, traditional treasure house which mirrors the very best of Indian craftsmen. What makes the shopping even more unique is that the visitor has the options of walking in modern air-conditioned stores or through narrow alleys to traditional shops where often the artisan himself presents his work and also explains the intricacies of his craftsmanship.

Shoppers in Karol Bagh have either the option of picking up fabrics from the rich array of cotton , silks, woolens or synthetics, or buying readymade garments in the trendiest of the world of fashions. Be it traditional Indian Saree or an evening dress, the bargains are unbelievable.

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